Tool to clean spam emails from text with a list of emails

This program automatically deletes all invalid emails with special characters and longer than 50 characters.

You can add words, providers or extensions to identify emails to exclude.

Free Email Cleaner from Spam

Words included in emails to delete, provider to exclude (google), extension to delete (.ru):

How this program clean a list of emails separated by comma, semicolon or text wrap

This program automatically deletes all emails with special characters and longer than 35 characters.

To this filter you can add a list of keywords separated by comma, semicolon or text wrap and when the program finds them included in the email it removes these emails from the list.

In this filter you can also add extensions such as .ru .pl or others to eliminate emails that end with those extensions

You can also add a list of providers such as Google, Yahoo, Yandex or others to delete all emails that end with that provider

In today’s digital age, managing email lists is an essential task for individuals and businesses alike. Аднак, dealing with spam and unwanted emails can be a time-consuming challenge. Fortunately, there are free online tools and techniques that can help you clean spam from a text list of emails efficiently. In this post, we’ll explore a step-by-step guide to achieve this.

Step 1: Use a Simple HTML and JavaScript Web Page

To get started, create a simple HTML and JavaScript web page. This web page will serve as the interface for your email cleaning tool. The provided code includes a user-friendly form where you can input your email list and set various filtering options.

Step 2: Input Your Email List

Copy and paste your email list into the designated textarea on the web page. Ensure that each email is separated by comma, semicolon or text wrap.

Step 3: Configure Filtering Options

The tool allows you to customize the cleaning process. You can specify words to delete, remove special characters, set a maximum email length, and even exclude emails from specific providers.

Step 4: ClickFilter Spam

Once you’ve inputted your email list and configured the filtering options, click theFilter Spambutton. The tool will process your list based on the specified criteria.

Step 5: Review Results

The tool will provide information on the number of emails eliminated and the remaining emails in the list. The cleaned email list will be displayed on the web page.

Step 6: Copy Cleaned Email List

After the filtering process, you can easily copy the cleaned email list from the web page and use it as needed.


Cleaning spam from a text list of emails can be a quick and straightforward process with the right tools. The provided HTML and JavaScript code offers a simple and free online solution for filtering out unwanted emails based on your specified criteria. Feel free to customize the code to suit your unique requirements and enjoy a cleaner, more manageable email list.

Remember to always handle email data responsibly and respect privacy regulations when working with email lists. Happy cleaning!