Avatar that speaks, moves and interacts

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Sveiki, we created a new interchangeable avatar that can move and speak various languages ​​depending on the user’s nationality. Simulates breathing and facial gestures while speaking and can perform various movements interacting with the user.

It is possible to personalize it in the clothes and in the physiognomy or it can have a realistic face created from a photo of your customers.

This implies that from today anyone who wants to make a presentation talking with their own avatar can now insert it on their website or send it as a link in whatsapp.

It is possible to decide what to make his avatar say, the language and what actions to make him do and how to interact with the user.

To see a demonstration look at our website contact page:

In our contact page we use a pre-created and user-editable avatar that explains the content of the page.

If you try other languages the avatar will speak and intone the sentences in that language:


We can integrate this system into any website or platform.

We remain available for further information, Avatar3DCreator.com

TELEFONAS     +39 0510827878

WHATSAPP     +51 997286002

EL. PAŠTAS     info@avatar3dcreator.com

INTERNETO SVETAINĖ    Avatar3DCreator.com

FACEBOOK     Facebook.com/3davatar.info


3D Avataro kūrėjasMūsų įmonė kuria ir kuria itin pritaikytus pseudoportretus įmonių reikmėms, įdiegdama reikalingą programinę įrangą, kad jie būtų panašūs į žmones ir pasiektų jūsų tikslus.. Šie virtualūs žmonės gali atstovauti prekių ženklams, būti savo įmonės atstovais, naudoti kuriant reklaminius vaizdo įrašus, arba tiesiogiai bendrauti su naudotojais, kalbėtis su jais ir siūlyti savo paslaugas naudojant dirbtinį intelektą.


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