3D tool which help you to configure and make your avatar customizable in 3D on your wordpress user profile.
If 3D avatar is not configured, the plugin uses the standard Gravatar image on profile otherwise a picture with your 3D avatar will be created.
It is also possible to customize the profile picture by uploading a photo.
Avatar má svoju vlastnú kostru a je kompatibilný s avatarmi readyplayer, aby bolo možné pridať pohyby a iterácie.
The aim is to affiliate more users with this additional tool.
Buy this plugin now with 50% discount!
Discounted price 50,00 $
Download the plugin at this link:
Prispievatelia: Avatar3DCreator.com, 3DAvatar.info
Adds customizable 3D avatar to user profiles. You can see how the avatar configurator works at this site:
Our staff of programmers can add Avatar 3D Creator for your users on normal websites too (no wordpress). Napíšte nám
Tagy: 3d avatar, avatar, užívateľský profil, avatar 3d užívateľský profil, avatar 3d do profilu používateľa, charakter, readyplayer, pripravený hráč, nástroj avatar, 3d mačka, vr chat, vrchat, tvorca avatara, tvorca 3D avatarov, avatar 3d, tvorca postavy, tvorca 3D postavy, znak 3d, 3d znak, Vyžaduje minimálne: 3.5 Testované až do: 5.8 Stabilná značka: 6.0.0 Licencia: GPLv2 alebo novší
== Snímky obrazovky ==
- 3D Avatar v profile používateľa
- 3D Konfigurácia avatara
- Zmeňte obrázok na 3D Avatar
== Inštalácia ==
Download the directory with the plugin files and unzip it.
Upload the Avatar-3d-creator-pro directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu of your WordPress installation.