3D Avatar that speaks, moves and interacts

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Hi my name is Simone, I’m a personalizable avatar and I can move and speak various languages ​​depending on your nationality.

I breathe, I use facial expressions and I can perform various movements interacting with you.

You can personalize my clothes, my physiognomy or I can have realistic face created from a photo of you.

This implies that from today I can help you make a presentation of your work, or your products through your website, whatsapp and all social medias.

You can decide what I say, the language and which actions you want I do for you interacting with your users.

I am a good speaker and I can read the content of all the pages of your site to those who come to visit you.

I am simple to use and autonomous, you can use me into any website or platform.

Do you want to use my technology on your site? Request me by clicking on the whatsapp button below on the right


3D Avatar CreatorNaša tvrtka dizajnira i stvara visoko prilagođene avatare za korporativnu upotrebu implementirajući potreban softver kako bi ih učinili ljudskim i kako bi postigli vaše ciljeve. Ti virtualni ljudi mogu predstavljati robne marke, biti glasnogovornici vaše tvrtke, koristiti u izradi reklamnih videa, ili izravno komunicirati sa svojim korisnicima, razgovarati s njima i nuditi svoje usluge korištenjem umjetne inteligencije.


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